21 July 2008


i updated my flickr account after a stunning seventeen months! to my recollection, i forgot my password, & couldn't find a way to reclaim it (these things are usually found under the "log in" area, so i like to hope there's a less stupid reason than "i couldn't find it" as to why i never did). anyway, have a peek & add me as an acquaintance if you so wish.

i really haven't posted much artwork on this little thing. it's all because every idea i have is still in the planning stages (in my head or on paper) or half worked on. but that's better than nothing at all. we'll all just have to have patience. i'm off work for three days, so hopefully the time will be spent somewhat productively.

time for dinner & bbci. yum.

note: i really dislike deviantarts' new layout, but last.fm's on the other hand; tasty.

lcd soundsystem - too much love

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