yummy breakfast. don't worry about the little ghost hugging the egg. he holds the salt.

crows are harder to draw than i expected. but it's getting there.
broken social scene - pitter patter goes my heart
© jen collins 07-11 - all work featured on this site is by the artist unless otherwise stated. you may repost work as long as credit is clear & links back to this site. do not alter or use in any other way without permission or claim as your own. if you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch. thank you.
just stumbled by... i love that ghost salt shaker! where did he come from?
i love him too! even better, i got him (& his pepper chum) in a charity shop. but i've seen similar ones before, i saw them in MOMA in new york last year but they were at a ridiculous price. here, have a look on google:
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